Planning Your Legacy: Create A Will Today

Although most people recognize the need for a will, approximately 70% do not have one. It is a simple and inexpensive task to complete. Once finalized, you can have peace of mind in knowing that your hard-earned assets will be distributed according to your wishes. In addition, if you have children, you can indicate who will be responsible for them in the event of your passing, avoiding the intervention of a court. Writing a will is straightforward; you must be at least 18 years old and of sound mind during the process. To make a will legal it must:

  • Expressly state that it is your will.
  • Be computer generated or typewritten.
  • Be signed and dated.
  • Be signed by 2-3 witnesses. Witnesses must be people who don’t stand to inherit anything in the will.

While it is not mandatory to hire a lawyer to prepare a will, it is strongly recommended, as it can help avoid legal complications in the future. Additionally, it is important to keep the document in a safe and secure location outside of your home. Some law firms offer storage for wills at no cost to the client. It is advised that you do not store your will in a safety deposit box, due to the possibility of it being sealed at the time of death. Lastly, make sure to inform the executor of your will about its location.